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A Canadian Discovers: By Jeeves Virtual Theatre Show

Back in April, the YouTube channel The Shows Must Go On announced that they would be releasing free showings of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals every Friday. Lloyd Webber revealed that the channel would release the most important one, my disaster musical By Jeeves, and I’m very very fond of it.

If you haven’t watched this show yet and want to avoid spoilers- READ NO FURTHER!

If that isn’t a blatant challenge for me to watch this musical for the first time and give my blunt reactions for you all, I don’t know what is.

I have absolutely no clue what By Jeeves is about. However, based on the name alone, it already sounds too British for my Canadian self, which means we’re in for yet another ride of culture clashes.

The Show: By Jeeves

The Viewer: Your favourite Canadian Brighton Girl, Meg, currently quarantined back home in Ontario until the borders open up again.

The Anticipated Result: Contextless Chaos.


  • We’re starting with a banjo concert and I am excited

  • What’s a cherry surprise?

  • That man carrying an evergreen tree in a pot to give me the British Side Eye

    • I’m CANADIAN bro I practically INVENTED evergreen trees, hop off

  • ...Is this another panto



    • There’s a man in a ridiculous outfit breaking the fourth wall and talking to me in a British accent, this is absolutely another panto

  • Did Jeeves just call that man Harold Stinkerpinker?

  • An anecdote for two hours? What have I signed up for???

    • Apparently that’s the structure of this show. The banjo event is postponed, so we’re going to watch them “improv” some entertainment by telling us a random story that happened once...

  • This is definitely too British for me. He just used the words quandary and chap unironically in a sentence

  • Bags of mustard ...What?!

  • Gussie? Crunchy Crabtree? Why does everyone have a ridiculous name? This is like hockey nicknames gone wrong

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  • I wish I could give you guys a proper summary of what’s going on, but I have honestly no idea.

    • Note from Future Me: This is a running theme throughout the show.

  • He’s got a memory like an oyster. Oh I’m 100% using that phrase from now on

  • I am flabbergasted! I can’t tell if these are Just British Things or if they’re exaggerating for the sake of comedy

  • Bertie is pretending to be coat rack, and besides the considerable arm strength that would take (which I don’t have), what a MOOD

  • I’m beginning not to like the sound of this plot, Jeeves. FINALLY we’re on the same page Bertie.

  • Hiking for Hedgehogs. You know what, I do believe this is British now.

  • I deeply identify with this man getting a stitch in his side after 500m of walking

  • Are we going to London?

    • I KNEW this was Dick Whittington!!!!

  • …What’s a humpback bridge?

  • You hot blooded heterosexual. I have never in my life been more appalled by a collection of words.

  • YOU SWINE, BERTIE. Honestly, that sums up the whole plot to this point

  • Please never hike your shorts up like that ever again

    • Has there ever been anything more pale than a British man’s thighs?

  • One jelly magnet. I’m going to put this on my LinkedIn profile.

    • Meg Williams: Writer, Teacher, Jelly Magnet

  • He says Harold has no money and he breaks everything. Me.

  • Did I miss dinner? 

  • And tea, sir. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE

  • I couldn’t eat my usual. She was sitting opposite me. Are you admitting candidly that you’re a cannibal?

  • I just thought I’d re-introduce myself. We do that. After dinner. Over here. Quite a bit.

    • Honestly after all the wild stuff I’ve witnessed in England I’d believe this

  • The hurly burly of the public eye. I’m going to start talking like this ASAP.

  • Think they’re following it? This lot? Meaning the audience, and to that I say: Abso-frickin-lutely not bud.

  • She knows what side her bread’s buttered. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN

  • At this point we appear to have run out of narrative. Really? Now? THIS is the moment you realise this?

  • The man is obviously past his perishable shelf life. Me when I turned 30.

  • It’s been weeks…and months…and days…Since this show started? Yes. 

  • Jeeves is getting increasingly sassy as this show goes on and I’m living for it 

  • You’ll have to excuse him, he’s an American! FINALLY, a joke we can ALL laugh about!


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  • By moose, by spoons, by half past three …WHAT

  • Wait...that’s IT?! Big finish in a minor chord and DONE?!


Apparently after six months, culture shock can still very much be a thing when consuming media. Who knew?

And hey! If you’ve got any bizarre media that this poor unsuspecting Canadian should try next, drop a comment and let me know! I’ll check it out and give you all my completely unhinged thoughts.

Until next time! Let me know if you were as confused as I was!

Written by Meg Williams

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