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April’s Oracle Reading

Happy April everyone I hope you all had an amazing March. For this month’s oracle reading I decided to use the fantastic Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray which you can purchase here. I really love this deck because it makes me feel looked after so I hope this month’s reading will bring you some of the guidance that you need. 

Aries – Brigid

You have accomplished so much, and finally, the fire within you is at its peak. The Goddess Brigid will light the way for you, keep an eye out for the ideas that come into your head, they all have a lot of potential and you have the strength to pursue them. The Goddess will help you ease any doubts, but at this point of your journey, you know that you got this and that you are capable of achieving what you want.

Taurus – Freya

This month you will see the ending of a phase of your life, it might be an ending that you were expecting but at the same time, you might feel vulnerable to the change. It is important to remind yourself that change is not scary but exciting, you will finally see reality for what it is and leave behind any illusions. Hang in there, warrior.

Gemini – White Eagle

This month take the time to celebrate your achievements, you have come such a long way. Find some time to connect with your ancestors and give thanks for all the help you have been receiving. You have been doing an amazing job. You are being guided, and you should fear nothing.

Cancer – Charity

You have always put other people first, and it is time that all your efforts are recognised. You will need to open your heart to receiving love and attention. The best way to be guided by Charity is to enter a state of meditation, where you can ponder about what your main needs are right now. You will be able to be supported by your community this month, don’t be scared of receiving. You deserve it.

Leo – Green Tara

If you have been having a hard time, Green Tara is here to reassure you that you are safe and that the worst is behind you. You might feel scared of looking at the future, but the future holds beautiful things and finally, this month will bring you the peace that you have been looking for. It is the perfect time to rest.

Virgo – Archangel Michael

As a Virgo, this month you might feel very overwhelmed, the change in season and new things coming your way might make you feel a bit scared of what the future holds. Fear not because your Archangel is with you, looking over you and reminding you that you are safe and on the right path. Find comfort in prayers and offerings.

Libra – Hope

Repeat after me, you are loved, you are lovely, you are lovable. Choose nourishing and positive thoughts this month. Try to help yourself instead of hindering your worth. You will see the world around you changing and attuning with the positive energy that radiates from you.

Scorpio – Holy Amethyst

With the arrival of spring, you will have the time to clear out the unnecessary things in your life that have been holding you back. The Holy Amethyst encourages you to look within yourself and follow the desires of your heart. To do so, you have to realise what are the toxic and unhealthy presences in your life. You do not need negative energy this month.   

Sagittarius – The Holy Spirit

Expect the unexpected and remember that the power of love will guide you through life. This month a lot will happen but it is important that you know that everything is a lesson to learn and an opportunity for growth. You are incredible and you deserve a miracle.

Capricorn – Djwal Khul

You might feel as though you want to reach the moon this month, but Djwal Khul is reminding you to take one step at a time. The most important part is the journey and not the goal. Find pleasure in the little things and remind yourself that you are already whole and you can find fulfilment in the mundane.

Aquarius – Gaia

This month Gaia is helping you to stay grounded and feel the love of a mother. You are being guided and most importantly your path and yourself are protected. Allow healing coming your way, you are a blessing on this earth, your presence is essential. This month all your doubts about yourself will be eased.   

Pisces – Diana

Focus your intention because you have the guidance of the Goddess of the hunt. With her arch and arrows, she will guide you directly to the goal that you are trying to achieve. Feel the power of the moon, you can connect with Diana spiritually on a full moon. Her message is one of independence, you do not need to rely on anyone else but yourself. You have the universe within. 

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 Written by Cloe Grampa

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