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Brighton Street Style: December 2016

Whether you've lived in Brighton all of your life, moved down for the fresh sea air, or visited our glorious city for a spot of shopping, there's one thing you may have noticed - we sure know how to throw an outfit together (or meticulously plan every detail, we're a fashion conscious bunch after all). With an enormous selection of high street brands alongside independent labels, vintage and second-hand shops, Brighton's fashion offerings are plenty, making for some envious style.

Brighton Girl Kitty and Holly recently took to the North Laines to get the low-down on Brighton's winter street style. One thing's for sure - the beret is back - and if these Brighton Girls are anything to go by (and we think you'll agree, they totally are), you'll be snapping up your own beret by the end of this post.

Name: Rosy Ransom
Age: 23
Instagram: @alienteaparty
Wearing: Coat from Zara, Beret from Appendage, Boots from Doc Martin
What do you love about Brighton? There is a good sense of freedom, no one judges you

Name: Jingyi Hu
Age: 20
Instagram: @jingyi_hu_
Wearing: Skirt from Edinburgh-based independent designer, Beret is vintage, Jacket is vintage, Shoes from Superga
What do you love about Brighton? The sea is stunning and the streets are too

Name: Katie Oldham
Age: 24
Instagram: @scarpheli_a
Wearing: Coat and dress are vintage, jumper, glasses and beret from Independent Rag
What do you love about Brighton? The music and culture and the fact that everyone is on the same team

Katie and Greg (pictured above) make up the band Sit Down. They're playing a free gig 'Yule be Sorry' at Sticky Mike's Frog Bar on the 12th December - go check them out! Find more info and RSVP here.

All photos are by Kitty Wheeler Shaw. Kitty is a freelance photographer - you can find out more on her website and by following her on Instagram @kittywshaw.

Written by Sofaya. You can find her on Twitter @headblush and Instagram @headblush.  

See this gallery in the original post