City Girl Network

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Brighton Street Style: July 2017

Welcome to the July 2017 edition of our regular feature, Brighton street style.

Brighton Girl's Kitty (one of our amazing photographers) and Sofaya (one of our amazing shout-you-down-and-pay-you-compliments helpers) headed to the North Laines to seek out some style.

Thanks to the unpredictable weather this month, they practically ran outside at the first sign of sun, camera and compliments at the ready. No one wants to pose when it's raining y'know!

These bold Brightoners did not disappoint.

Name: Maria
Age: 50
Instagram: @ms_amidu
Wearing: Dress from H&M, jacket from a friend!
What do you love about Brighton? The sea!!

Name: Madeleine
Age: 22
Instagram: @madeleinemercy
Wearing: Pretty much everything I'm wearing is from a car boot sale! 
What do you love about Brighton? THE SEA

Name: Hannah
Age: 21
Instagram: @hanack_
Wearing: Velvet coat and yellow dress are vintage, shoes from Doc Martin
What do you love about Brighton? The good spirit

Name: Tosin
Age: 21
Instagram: @motown-gal
Wearing: Jacket from Monki, trousers from Topshop, t-shirt from Amazon, sunglasses from ASOS, shoes from Adidas
What do you love about Brighton? The people!

All photos are by Kitty Wheeler Shaw. Kitty is a freelance photographer; you can find out more on her website and by following her on Instagram @kittywshaw.

Written by Sofaya.

See this gallery in the original post