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Changing My Mindset. Two Short Personal Stories That Changed Mine

The last time I went to the University on Friday I took two things for granted. One of them was that on Monday I would go back. 

Well- as you know things didn’t turn out as I expected them to. It was more than that I expected my University to still be there, It’s that I didn’t even think of the possibility that It wouldn’t- that things would be so different.

The second experience that changed my mindset was this. Imagine that I was walking on the pavement towards the bus stop. I turned my head and I saw that the bus was just a few meters behind me, so I kept walking, relaxed knowing that the bus always stops in that stop as it is always full of people that want to get off or get on.

And guess what, sister?! The bus never stopped. No one wanted to get off, no one picked up their hand to make a signal the bus driver. Let alone me! I was walking relaxed towards the bus stop, swearing to my cute curly hair that the bus would stop for me and my amazingness would be able to get on. 

SLAP! That was what I received from the universe for taking things for granted. 

It was the AHA moment caused by little and bigger things that made me realise that ‘Oooh Shit! If I don’t take responsibility for myself and for my actions, picking up my own hand to stop the bus I want to get on, no one will do it for me!’

And even if I thought ‘it always stops’ or ‘it always happens the same’, nope! Not always, girl! Think again! 

I want to sum up for you two takeaway points:

1) Don’t take anything for granted

2) Don’t rely on other people to do things for you

Did I come up with all these just because the bus didn’t stop?! Of course not!

It was the University closing from Monday onwards. To be honest, because I’m a Life Coach I am primed to search for the beautiful little hidden meanings behind words, shituations and yessituations!

So, my lovely friend, I want you to do something for me. The next time you think ‘Oh yeah I know’ or ‘I’m sure this is going to happen’ go to a mirror, look at yourself speaking your ‘I know’ thoughts out loud and reply to yourself ‘take charge and make sure it is going to happen’.

That is my challenge to you. I want you to think of one thing that you will immediately and

directly stop taking for granted right now. It could be having two hands, to being alive, having your best friend by your side or your loved ones healthy and in your life.

Let me know what you’re going to stop taking for granted in the comments below! Big Hugs! 

Written by Natalia Alexandridou

Follow her on Instagram here 

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