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City Girl Rituals: Emily Dixon

In this article we meet Milton Keynes Girl, Emily, to discuss her motivations, coping mechanisms and mindful methods.

At City Girl, we are committed to driving a renewed focus on balanced lifestyles and preventative wellness solutions. We are taking a more holistic view to wellness by sharing the personal strategies that make us feel in control, with our community. Empowering each other through one another.

There is no one way to wellness, and we want to make our conversation inclusive and accessible to all. We’ve asked our City Girl’s to curate their ultimate Survival Guides; not the things we buy, but the things we do that make us feel nourished and in control.

Meet the Girl

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Hey friends! I’m Emily (@emily.esmee), I’m a retail worker by day, nail tech by evening (when the UK allows of course), and a total wellness junkie all the time! I fell in love with all things well-being when my mental health hit its lowest point during the UK lockdown. 

I found it really difficult to get myself out of a constant state of panic; the only time my heart wasn’t racing was when I was asleep. I chose to spend time really focusing on myself mentally, physically and spiritually. 

During this time I’ve discovered a passion for fitness, self care and changing my diet for the better! It’s been a real eye opener and I’m loving it so far. 

What are the everyday rituals and routines that help you to de-stress and relax?

My fiancé got me a 6 minute diary for my birthday and it’s been life changing! It splits your day into two parts. So each morning you fill in your daily gratitudes, how you are going to make the day great, and a positive affirmation. 

Then at the end of the day it focuses on reflection. Your good deed for the day, how you can improve and 3 amazing things which happened that day. 

It was initially tough to think about things to write, but once I started filling it in, I noticed I was finding joy in the smallest of things! 

I also exercise 4 times a week, which I love because it makes me feel strong both mentally and physically. It’s a great way to get rid of any negative emotions and completely zone out.

When you’re struggling, what picks you up?

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I recently made these protein balls, the recipe is on my Instagram. They are the ultimate treat! I coated half of them in dark chocolate with a pinch of sea salt for extra naughtiness. I absolutely love salt and sweet combinations - they’re my favourite!

However, if I’m ever feeling run down, I focus on getting a lot of colourful foods on my plate. I suffer from IBS so sometimes my gut health feels off which affects my mood. Adding colourful foods to my diet and taking a pre/probiotic powder in the mornings has really helped my digestion.

What trait do you most admire in yourself and why?

I like that I’m a caring person. I’m the listener of the group, always doing my best to uplift people - I just want everyone to do well!

Very much an open book - I am transparent about my past experiences, which is great because people can relate to the daily stresses and struggles, am I right?!

 It’s so rewarding to open up and make people feel less lonely when it comes to their well-being - and I really enjoy facilitating that. 

A simple pleasure, something you cannot live without?

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Part of my journey has involved reducing my caffeine intake as it was making my anxiety worse. I would suffer from palpitations and a jittery feeling. Then I wouldn’t sleep at night and would rely on caffeine even more!

Decaf pods are such a simple pleasure. I still wake up every morning, make my favourite oat milk mocha from my Nespresso machine and get that smooth velvety coffee fix without the side effects. 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

I once heard that your bad luck is sometimes your good luck, and this really resonated with me. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, even if you can’t see it at the time!

Something I’m learning to do is to trust the process and the path that I’m on. Every situation you are faced with is either a blessing or a lesson. You can learn and grow from unlucky situations, even though they feel pants! 

 Let yourself feel what you’re feeling. Cry it out -  but keep going! Don’t give up, because you deserve to feel healthy and happy - and you will!

Your most beloved/ treasured item?

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Can I say my fiancé? Ha!

Hmm. It would probably be something like my exercise mat or booty bands. Whether it’s yoga stretches or working out, I associate both of those items with positivity. I know I’m going to work out and do something purely for me which I can get lost in, and I know I’m going to feel GOOD afterwards!

What pushes you forward?

I’m quite competitive, but only with myself. Yes- I am basically Monica from friends!

Since experiencing anxiety, I’ve made it my mission to claim my life back and become the best version of myself. My goal is to help and inspire others in the process. 

Mental health is so important and I’m glad we now live in a society where we can have open conversations about it. Nobody deserves to go through it alone, and I’m glad there’s relatable content out there which genuinely helps people. Your health really is your wealth.

I want everybody to know that they aren’t alone, and that they can come through the darkness and shine - that really drives me. 

Something you’re trying to be less reliant on?

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Oh , definitely my phone - ha! 

I think we all get a little bit caught up in social media sometimes and it’s a breeding ground for comparison. It’s an amazing platform but too much of it can be detrimental to your mental health. We see the highlights of everyone’s life and question our own. Why do we do that?

My aim for the year is to spend less time mindlessly scrolling but increase the content I put out and hopefully give something of value to people. Plus I want to continue to have a good old chat with people. I guess everything in moderation. A good balance. The way life should be!  

What do health and happiness look like to you?

Health and happiness vary depending on the individual. For me, health and happiness are about accepting yourself, getting enough sleep, nourishing your body and creating positive habits. 

I’ve never been phased by materialistic things really - even though I enjoy the occasional splurge on a good foundation or lipstick...but who doesn’t?

I absolutely love working out and looking after myself. It makes me feel so strong. Your body works so hard day and night to keep you alive - how mind-blowing is that when you really think about it?!  I’ve got to a positive place with my body and treat it with the love it deserves. 

What empowers you?  

I am empowered by people who know exactly who they are and what they want from life. 

Over the past few years, I’ve seen a huge rise in successful women, whether that’s becoming your own boss, doing well at your 9-5 or openly discussing a topic which might have been uncomfortable for you - I’m here for it! 

We are constantly growing and stepping out of our comfort zones, and I think that’s truly amazing. Being unapologetically you is the most empowering thing you can do. 

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Written By Emily Dixon


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