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City Girl’s Survival Guide: You and Your Rituals

In this article, we meet Newcastle Girl’s Lauren to discuss her motivations, coping mechanisms and mindful methods.

At City Girl, we are committed to driving a renewed focus on a balanced lifestyle and preventative wellness solutions. We are taking a more holistic view of wellness by sharing the personal strategies that make us feel in control, with our community. Empowering each other through one another.

There is no one way to wellness, and we want to make our conversation inclusive and accessible to all. We’ve asked our City Girl’s to curate their ultimate Survival Guides; not the things we buy, but the things we do that make us feel nourished and in control.

Meet the City Girl:

I’m Lauren, a writer from the North East. A Scorpio, a total dreamer, and usually writing a story somewhere. I would love to one day publish a novel or produce my own TV show. 

I recently finished my masters and I lived in London for seven years before moving home due to lockdown. 

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What are the everyday rituals and routines that help you to de-stress and relax?

I love to run early in the morning. It clears my head and wakes me up. Recently, I also started meditating in the morning. I only manage about five minutes, but it helps me work out what I want to focus on for the day ahead. 

Doing my makeup for work is my time. I have no distractions, I just focus and take my time getting ready for the day with a hot coffee. It makes me feel good and ready for the day.

What trait do you most admire in yourself and why?

I think I’m quite determined. Being a writer means dealing with your fairshare of rejection and I'm pleased I’m someone who will get back up and try again. 

I’m not someone who gives up if I don’t get it right straight away. I learn and I come back better or more informed. This has led me to some great opportunities, but not always on my first attempt. Just keep going and it does get better. 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Keep it simple. I’m rubbish at this, but i’m working on it. I like to pause and remind myself of this when I'm overthinking or getting stressed about something. What is the simplest way of doing what you want to do or say? It’s also probably the best way. 

I also love that ‘what is meant for you will not pass you by.’ I really believe this. I don’t think this means that you don’t have to work for things, but not everything you work for is meant to go your way. That’s not always a bad thing. There might be something unexpected and better. 

What drives you/ pushes you forward?

I’m such a dreamer. I can see where I want to get to and every little step just makes it closer in reach. 

I am someone who believes I can achieve my dreams. Why not? If you don’t back yourself why should someone else? The only way it’s ever going to happen is if you believe in yourself enough to try. 

I do always have motivational quotes as my phone background. If I’m having a bad day or hour, it's a quick little positive reminder to keep trying. 

What empowers you?  

I love long family walks in nature.

I have an amazing family who’ve encouraged my dreams, no matter how difficult or unachievable they seemed. I’m really lucky they’re so supportive. 

I also have lots of amazing friends who chase their own dreams, whether that’s as creatives, starting their own business, getting on the property ladder or a promotion. 

We all talk really openly about what we are working towards and cheer each other on, and are there when something goes sideways. They’re my inspiration. I’m proud when they achieve things and motivated to keep going with mine. 

I also have a lucky perfume. It’s completely in my head, but when I spray a little bit it makes me feel pretty unstoppable. 

What do health and happiness look like to you?

For me, it’s about balance and freedom. I love change, to see new places and discover new passions. It keeps me excited. 

I’m also really social. I love talking to people. So not having much social time has been hard over lockdown. Usually, my time with my friends would help me balance work and play. I think it’s important you check in with yourself a lot. 

Something you’re trying to be less reliant on, or use less? 

I’m trying to change up my feeds on social media. I’ve unfollowed a lot of influencers, cause I don’t think following them brought me much happiness. I was just comparing myself. 

I now follow more people I’m inspired by/ aspire to be like in a career sense. This has been a lot more positive.

What does ‘you time’ look like?

It’s probably a notebook. I love jotting and working on new ideas by hand, before I type them up and make them official.

Your most treasured item?

My pandora bracelet. Every charm has been bought by someone important in my life and they each represent a memory we share. 

Treasured Item: My Pandora Bracelet

A simple pleasure, something you cannot live without?

I love long family walks in nature. I just put my headphones in and it unlocks my imagination. I have my best story ideas here and I always feel so ready to write afterwards.

Also, dancing in my bedroom to old S-club 7 songs. You’re never too old for that.

Mood food – when you’re struggling, what picks you up?

A green tea. Or any warm drink really. It feels cozy which helps when I’m down

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Written By Lauren Waugh


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