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Theatre Review: Raymonda, Bristol Hippodrome


Rating: ★★★★★
Running Dates: Wednesday 23rd November – Saturday 26th November 2022
Where to see it: Bristol Hippodrome
Duration: 2 hrs 40 minutes (including 2 intervals)
Keywords: Ballet, classical


Where to begin with this beautiful, captivating performance by the English National Ballet? From the moment the Royal English Ballet Philharmonic struck their opening chord I couldn’t tear my eyes away. Raymonda, first performed in 1898 and now reimagined by Tamara Rojo, follows the story of a young woman in the Crimean war who wants to make a difference. This emboldens her to run away to work as a nurse on the frontline. Here she meets John De Bryan a family friend, and after some reluctance on Raymonda’s behalf, they are engaged to be married.

Not having seen a ballet for several years, I was apprehensive that I might not be able to follow the story. But the combination of the incredible talent of the dancers, the swell of the music, and the expression of the performance built the story and the characters flawlessly throughout.

The three acts follow Raymonda’s battles with her heart, as she fights with the chemistry that she has with John’s friend Prince Abdur. The crowd was swept into the moving choreography, from Raymonda’s dreams of the fallen soldiers and nurses who gave their lives to the war, to the magnificent and culturally-rich dances in the Prince’s beautiful Turkish tent.

Prepare to be stunned by the compelling twist in the final act that leaves Raymonda with a final choice to forge her destiny. One which she will carry forever.

In short, Raymonda is a show that will keep you wanting more for all the right reasons. More costumes, more dancing, more music – I didn’t want it to end! The incredible, and at some points unbelievable talent of the dancers is a spectacle only enhanced by the live orchestra who were so flawless I often forgot they were live!

This ballet will leave you feeling inspired and as if you’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster along with Raymonda as she makes her choices. While the show has a serious underlying theme of the war, it shows itself to be lighthearted, moving, and dramatic.

A perfect performance to see whether you are a seasoned theater-goer or if you want to try dipping your toe in the world of ballet.

Standout Quote or Moment: The lantern dance in Raymonda’s Dream – it was delicate and wonderful.
See if: You enjoy being immersed in a story and want to leave inspired!
Last Impression: Beautiful and I can’t wait to return for the next ballet performance!

Reviewed by Megan Lee

Disclaimer: These tickets were gifted in exchange for an honest review.