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What You Need To Have A Fun Bonfire Night At Home

Bonfire night. Guy Fawkes night. Remember, remember the 5th of November. We all know this day by many names, and whether you celebrate it’s original meaning or not, it’s a fantastic time of year to mark the start of winter’s festivities. Going to your local park often means large crowds, over priced treats and loud noise. Celebrating this day at home couldn’t be easier. Whether you’re planning a party or a cosy get together, here are some ideas for the perfect bonfire night with your friends and family.



They look pretty, they make fantastic photos, and they’re a great way to entertain little ones. Whether you just want to watch the sparkles go down or take fun photos to remember the occasion sparklers are the base of any good bonfire night! Just remember to wear gloves, hold them at arms-length, always help children hold theirs and make sure you’ve got a bucket of sand or cold water to put them in once they’ve gone out.


If you’re lucky enough to have the outside space, having a small bonfire can really make the usually-cold outdoors feel nice and cosy. Huddle around the warmth of the fire, and even toast some marshmallows on sticks. A perfect addition to the garden to get your guests outside.

If you have limited space, and don’t want to risk building your own bonfire why don’t you try this gorgeous fire pit at £61.99 including delivery. It’s small enough to fit in any garden and the stars on the side make it that little bit more magical. (As a bonus, it also comes with a bbq grill so it’s useful all year round.)

Of course you can’t have a bonfire of any kind without bringing out the marshmallows and making up some smores. We love these colourful toasting forks for just £8.96. Just make sure you follow these safety instructions on having an open fire, to make sure you have everything under control.



If you’re planning to be outside, perhaps sat around a fire, then bringing out some blankets is a nice touch to take away the chill in the air. We love these quilted, brightly coloured reversible blankets for just £19.99. Or snuggle up for just £15.99, with this cozy, luxury Sherpa wool blanket in grey.


Hot drinks

What more could you need than a hot drink when winter is coming. Hot chocolate is a sure hit with all your guests, and you could even add some Autumnal toppings and syrups. This spiced hot chocolate recipe is a great option and easy to make, or for the grown-ups this salted caramel rum hot chocolate recipe will go down a treat. If you are going to do hot chocolate, do it right with Hotel Chocolat Milky Hot Chocolate at £9.

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Fancy making something with more of a kick than a classic hot drink? Try out some of these winter warmer drinks, perfect for a Bonfire Night party. From s’mores martinis and butterbeer to a mulled pear and ginger punch, put your hand to creating a festive masterpiece!

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Written by Carmen Rowe

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