Collaborate MK


To help connect people… to help them collaborate.

Address: 17 Rolvenden Grove , Kents Hill , Milton Keynes, MK7 6HZ

Email Address:

Phone Number: 07786 527845

Website: Collaborate MK

Opening Hours: Mon – Friday – 07.30 – 18:00

About Collaborate MK

Collaborate MK was born out of a real desire of its founder Tim Lee, to help connect people…to help them collaborate.

Since Collaborate MK was started in 2020, it has certainly achieved that – with over 230 members and eight “something for everyone” networking events and a Business workshop for our Gold Members each month helping businesses of all sizes connect and grow working relationships.

We hold Monthly Face to face events in MK , Olney , Buckingham ,Leighton Buzzard and twice Monthly Virtual events all with a relaxed conversational atmosphere.

First time Networking ? we offer a buddy system on arrival with a members of our support team

Where else to find Collaborate MK

Facebook: @CollaborateMK

Instagram: @CollaborateMK

LinkedIn: @CollaborateMK


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