Enhance Your Leadership with a University of Bristol Part-Time Masters Degree

Further education can seem a daunting prospect for a City Girl, especially for those of us who have garnered professional highlights already and may feel we do not have the time or resources to commit to a course.

It may seem that there are lots of barriers but we’d like to highlight a fantastic course and dispel some of the myths around access to this incredible learning opportunity.

If you are aiming to boost your leadership skills whilst continuing your career, the MSc Strategy, Change & Leadership Programme at the University of Bristol Business School may be a fantastic option. It is tailored to sharpen strategic thinking, strengthen leadership capabilities, and guide professionals through the complexities of organisational change.

About the Course

The MSc Strategy, Chance & Leadership Programme is designed to empower its students to expand their network & increase their knowledge in the following areas:

  • Understanding the complexities within organisations and the challenges affecting their success

  • Enhancing the ability to manage change and uncertainty effectively

  • Empowering individuals to make informed decisions about growth and strategic direction

  • Elevate leadership impact

  • Advance leadership careers

Course Costs

Correct at the time of publication

UK: full-time: £22,000 per year

UK: part-time (two years): £11,000 per year

Overseas: full-time: £31,300 per year

Can I afford to take the course?

For the 2022-2024 academic year, 58% of students received sponsorship from their employers.

So yes, it’s definitely doable! The friendly programme team will chat you through all the options and can assist in creating personalised, compelling business cases for employer sponsorship!

They will also provide detailed information on course content and schedule informal calls at the convenience of prospective students.

University of Bristol students, graduates and staff can also benefit from a 25% reduction in tuition fees for postgraduate study. Students living in the UK can apply for a postgraduate masters loan to support them.

Can I work & study at the same time?

100%! - The programme is structured to fit around other commitments. Over the course of two years students attend:

  • Six immersive 3-day sessions (Thursday to Saturday)

  • Two immersive 2-day sessions (Thursday and Friday)

How are the classes structured?

Classes are highly interactive, incorporating mini-lectures, case studies, practical exercises, personal reflection, and group work. One of the key benefits of the programme is the opportunity for informal networking.

Do I fit the entry requirements?

Ideally, you will require a good first degree and a minimum of five years of management experience to be considered. However, don’t let that deter you if you do not have a degree - those without a degree will be considered on a case-by-case basis where evidence can be provided of relevant professional experience.

Reach out to Bristol University’s Programme Team for guidance.

Is it for me?

The course typically has a cohort of approximately 20-22 students - so a tight knit group, all bringing a wealth of experience to the table, all from a variety of sectors including the NHS, charities, startups & technology.

With each member of the group having over five years of managerial experience it provides a super rich environment for peer learning and invaluable networking.

You will also be introduced to an exceptional range of networking industry professionals and join an alumni network from the past 12 years.

But don’t take it from us.. check out these testimonials from former students who are very much city girls:

Rozzy - Head of Strategy, The Prince's Trust

"You'll meet interesting people from the private, public and third sectors, and get a broad range of education in change and strategy and leadership, which I think would apply in any industry or sector."

Want to learn more?

Join the Online Open Event on Wednesday 12th June at 6pm - 6.45pm.

Learn more about the programme, meet the academics and discover more of what the University of Bristol Business School has to offer!

We’re excited to see lots of City Girls take the next step in their leadership journeys 💜💛

Sponsored article by the University of Bristol

Written by Steph Clarke


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