Ingredient In Focus: The Potato

Well, who would have predicted where we find ourselves now? In a food sense, the supermarket shelves are emptying, we are social distancing, and getting an online shop is now mythical. So it is time to adapt, as food waste is something society can simply not afford. 

For this period of social distancing, me and my cat have moved in with a new-ish boyfriend and I have been faced with a kitchen that is simply not as stocked as my own. There are limited herbs and spices, unlike a cupboard full at home, so I have been trying to stock up on key ingredients that can be adapted in a lot of ways. We now have 6 herbs in the cupboard: paprika, mixed herbs, garam masala, tandoori mix, curry powder, and chili flakes and with these, I’m trying to keep the recipes as different as possible. 

I decided to set myself a challenge with these and use potatoes, because pasta is now a luxury item, in as many different ways as possible, here’s where I’ve got to… 


Ok, I said that pasta is now a luxury item but why not turn your potatoes into some gnocchi? Last year I foraged for wild garlic, because I think it is delicious, this year, because I need flavour. 

I halved this recipe from the Irish Times and served with some broccoli, some additional leaves of wild garlic, and a splash of oil and the trusty mixed spices. Not only was this comforting, but it also felt like a massive luxury to have homemade pasta. 


This is the point in my ‘cohabiting’ with my boyfriend where I had to buy some curry powder, he had some old and out-of-date garam masala and beggars can't be choosers. 

I used this recipe as my guide but used some filo pastry from the freezer and baked these in the oven. I also minimised my spices right down - so instead simply onion, garlic, curry powder, chilli flakes, and garam masala and as I didn’t have peas I threw some spring greens in.

In times like this where the supermarkets don’t have the things you need, just adapt whatever way you can. I simply added some curry powder until the mixture tasted how I wanted it to, and then used Pinterest to teach me how to fold them effectively. These formed the basis of what became a vegetable curry fakeaway evening and I will be making these again and again!

Skordalia, Greek Potato Dip 

This recipe was suggested by one of our contributors, Polly Wyatt, and I love it. Skordalia is a Greek Potato and Garlic dip that is used really similarly to hummus. Here are three ways you can serve it, and what’s even better is you can make it with leftover bread or even some beans - truly a recipe to adapt and play around with during lockdown!


Sometimes, when it’s cold and grey outside then soup is the only answer. And potatoes can form the base for numerous soups including the trusty leak and potato. Personally, I’ve been craving this slow cooker potato and bacon soup that is perfect for a pick-me-up midweek. 

Wedges, chips, mashed, baked 

All hail the simple potato, it can be enjoyed so many ways. Leftover chilli? Why not top some chipped potatoes with that and some cheese, or simply enjoy with a jacket potato? 

Missing your local tapas joint? Why not play around with making their patatas bravas just the way you like it? Or, maybe just make some potato smilies. 

So that’s it- 5+ ways to use a potato with just a handful of ingredients. Enjoy and stay safe!

Written By Alice Hargreaves

I’m keeping my stories updated with my food adventures on Instagram.

For more potato based fun don’t hesitate to have a look! 


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