Life Starts at 30?


Why is it that just as I am entering the final month of my twenties, people keep asking me how old I am? It is like suddenly everybody is taking one look at my face and wondering what age is she? Those eye bags are  definitely saying thirties but those dungarees she’s wearing screams twenties? 

Living in this limbo period has driven me to revaluate. It has made me question some things I have never given any thought to. So here they are! The things I am pondering now I’m hurtling towards the big 3-0. 

Am I Officially An Adult?

I have lived through my twenties and still don’t feel like I am adulting right. Yes I am pretty sensible. Risk taker is not my middle name! However, I really do not feel the burden of responsibility.

Will I wake up the day after my birthday and suddenly feel like an adult? Will I get the sudden urge to finally sort out my life insurance and think about things like my pension? Will I ever not want to call my Mam when I am feeling unwell? My laugh lines say adult, but my mind says ‘Surely you’re 19 right?’ 

Will I Ever Not Have A Spot?

There has never been a time where my face has been spot-free! I may be nearly thirty but there are days when my chin looks like it belongs to an adolescent! Every year for the past 8 years I have thought, maybe this year will be the year my skin will glow? Fingers crossed it’s time! 

What Size Mooncup?

Listening to a review on a podcast (yes podcasts have taken over music for me… does this automatically put me in the getting older folder?) I decided it was time to hang up the tampons and get a moon cup. After having a quick google search however, I was in a pickle. Did you know moon cups come in two sizes? 

One: Under thirty and/or not given birth and two: over thirty and/or given birth. Does this mean on my thirtieth birthday, my vagina will suddenly stretch as if I have squeezed out a tiny human? Technically, I am still clinging onto my twenties, so should I opt for the smaller, twenty-something moon cup? Either way, I must take some time every day to do my pelvic floor exercises. There’s something free and fun twenty somethings don’t have to think about!

Am I Done With Clubbing?


I used to be three nights a week, dancing on tables and doing jaggerbombs kinda girl. Now my ideal night is a candle, a face mask and a book. The thought of being in a sweaty club, shouting to have a conversation and thumping bass in my chest gives me heart palpitations. 

Is this getting Older? Am I Boring now? Will my Heels never Grace a Sticky Floor Again? 

Will I ever feel the regret that comes with having bought the entire club a round of shots again? Will I ever dance so hard again, that I feel like I have been hit by a bus? I really don’t see it happening.

Has Interior Design Overtaken Fashion?

I used to spend my weekends and my extra money on new outfits for the weekend! I used to leave shops with bags and bags of new items, all of which I loved! 

Now, I literally haven’t bought a single piece of clothing (except lockdown loungewear, but that doesn't count!) in the past 6 months! I spend my spare time looking at furniture website’s, interior design Instagram accounts and buying new plants and scouring antique shops! Who is this person? And why are all of her clothes high necked and knee length? 

Even though this next birthday has got me feeling an underlying sickness of anxiety; like I am not living my life to the absolute maximum and I am not where I thought I would be by now, I must push those thoughts and feelings aside! I am entering a new chapter and if it’s anything like my twenties has been, it’s going to be a banger! 

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Written by Elle Douglas

Instagram @elledouglassinger


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