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Manchester Blogger Q&A: Vicki Mellard PT

Vicki Mellard is an award-winning fitness blogger, who's hosting a bodyweight session with a Q&A for our Manchester Girls on Saturday 5th May! 

We thought we'd catch up with her before the session to find out more about her blogging journey, where she loves to Instagram in Manchester and where she sees her future heading.

What do you blog about?

A place for me to share all things fitness, healthy living and body positivity. It is targeted at women in order to help them feel amazing.  I focus on creating fitness content to help with training goals, looking at ways to fall back in love with our bodies through my own experience and knowledge as well as sharing lifestyle and health based posts promoting balance. It is a space where I want women to feel empowered and inspired.

How did you get into blogging?

It started as a hobby because my Instagram captions were getting too long in all honesty. I had so much to say about my past experiences and mistakes I had made that I didn’t want others to make. There was and is so much fitness BS around and I wanted to put my own stamp on it. As I have evolved so has my blog.

What is your favourite thing about blogging?

That you can have a voice about something you are passionate about and it can reach a lot more people than your intimate circle. I have also met a load of my friends through blogging because we share a common interest and understand each other.

How does blogging fit into your day-to-day life?

I tend to use evenings or the weekend to create the content, write the posts and plan others. I am hoping to have a full day in the future that is purely for content creation.

Which bloggers would you recommend we followed?

There are so many that I would recommend, I am part of WeBlogNorth which I would recommend following because then you can find loads of northern content creators

What’s your favourite thing about the city you live in?

That there is so much going on but it is still accessible for everyone, it’s like a mini London

What are the 5 most instagrammable places in Manchester?

  • The Principal Hotel and Refuge

  • Evelyns Café Bar

  • Northern Quarter Street Art

  • Barton Arcade

  • Anywhere that has marble and I am sold haha

What piece of advice would you give to anyone thinking about starting a blog?

To just go for it, no one can stop you writing about something you are passionate about. Just make sure you are doing it because you want to share your thoughts/views/knowledge on the subject not as a money-making scheme.

Where would you like to see your blog go in the future?

I would love it to become almost like a resource for women everywhere to come to when they want help with fitness, finding a balanced healthy lifestyle and need that body confidence boost.
Which of your blog posts was your favourite to write (and why)?

I’m going to be cheeky and say a couple of things. Any informative fitness post I love writing because I get to share my knowledge and passion with ladies and hopefully help them in their training.

But one of my favourite posts to write was called A letter of Love and I basically just wrote a letter to myself saying thank you. It was really heartfelt and emotional to write when I realised how much I had put my body through.

Another one I loved to write was How to Feel Fabulous where I shared my top tips for anyone who wants to feel fabulous. Because it is something so simple but I think people don’t believe they can.

Vicki Mellard recently won Best PT/Fitness Personality at the Lovin' Manchester awards - and we're in no doubt that she'll have a tonne of other awards on her shelf very, very soon. Congratulations, Vicki, from all of us at the City Girl Network!

If Vicki sounds like the blogger for you, you can catch her in all of these areas of the internet.

Facebook: Vicki Mellard Personal Training
Twitter: @vickimellard_pt
Instagram: @vickimellard_pt

And if you fancy going to her fitness session, get yourself a ticket!

See this product in the original post

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