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Theatre Review: Jesus Christ Superstar, Wales Millennium Centre


Rating: ★★★★

Running Dates: Monday 29th January - Saturday 3rd February

Where to see it: Wales Millennium Centre

Duration: 2 hours (including interval)

Keywords: Musical, Rock, Superstar

Jesus Christ Superstar directed by Timothy Shear delivers a gorgeous, poetic contemporary number which was a delight to watch, and a delight to review. It features the beloved original soundtrack by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, revamped into a beautiful modern take which was mesmerising to watch from start to finish. 

We are transported back to the weeks before Jesus’ (Ian Mcintosh) ultimate demise through the eyes of Judas (Shem Omari James). The story stays with Judas throughout and James plays the role of a conflicted Judas with deep and raw emotion - though his annunciation was a little muffled at times and lacked complete clarity. 

I had made the grave error of not brushing up on my bible knowledge of the days before Jesus’ crucifixion and my knowledge gaps felt embarrassingly obvious whilst trying to suss out the story through the first act. Even so, the high-quality performances, music and dancing had me hooked, Hannah Richardson as Mary Magdelene showcased her gorgeous vocals in ‘I Don’t Know How to Love Him’, which absolutely captivated the audience. You could hear a pin drop in the auditorium as we were all drawn to her compelling raw emotive rendition, offering light and shade to the performance with her gentle and convincing demeanour amongst the rock opera elements.

While Act 2 builds to a crescendo of anguish and tension, the finale, though symbolically resonant, feels strangely subdued in comparison. The reunion of Judas and Jesus in the closing moments lacks the energy and impact of earlier scenes, leaving the conclusion feeling slightly anticlimactic.

Overall, ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ under Shear's direction is a triumph, blending timeless themes with contemporary to create a truly unforgettable theatrical experience.

Standout Quote or Moment: Phenomenal performance of ‘Gethsemane’ by Ian Mcintosh as Jesus Christ (Superstar)

See If: You don’t want to suffer from serious FOMO!

Similar Plays: Les Miserables, We Will Rock you 

Last Impression: Excited to see what’s next from this incredible cast

Written by Elizabeth Mathers