Facebook Guidelines

Our Facebook Groups are an integral part of pursuing the City Girl Network mission online. It’s a space for City Girls nationally and internationally to meet one another, gain valuable advice, and feel more connected to their city. We’ve crafted our rules and guidelines to enable these things to happen in a safe environment.

This page has been created to allow more transparency around our rules and procedures. If you have any other suggestions on making our space as safe and inclusive as possible, please contact team@citygirlnetwork.com

Our official Facebook Rules

  • This is a safe space for ALL City Girls! We are sisters, not cis-ters! Racial, religious, cultural, or social exclusion and derogatory comments will not be tolerated.

  • We have threads for jobs, housing, events, your businesses pinned under announcements. Please post on these threads. No screenshots/sharing of other posts. No sharing of discount code/referral links.

  • We use Trigger Warnings to warn people about sensitive content or things that they might find upsetting and to protect people who are overcoming trauma. We can never predict what someone else might find distressing but these are the common themes and topics for which we ask that you provide a warning for.

    How to structure a post that requires a Trigger Warning

    TW/Trigger Warning (reason why)






    Adding full stops creates spaces between the TW and the post allows members a chance to decide whether to read or not.

    List of Trigger Warnings

    This list is not exhaustive and if you post something which we feel might cause upset, we will ask you to repost with the correct TWs and suitable spacing.

    •Exercise, weightloss, dieting.

    •Eating disorders, body hatred and body dysmorphia.

    •Mental health, Suicide, Self-harm.

    •Addiction, substance misuse, drugs, alcoholism.

    •Sexual assault and rape

    •Abuse of any kind (mental, physical, sexual, financial etc)

    •Child abuse, grooming, pedophilia.

    •Death and dying

    •Serious long-term illness (e.g cancer) and invasive medical treatments.

    •Pregnancy & Trying to Conceive

    •Miscarriage & pregnancy loss

    •Contraception, emergency contraception& •Abortion

    •Animal abuse, cruelty or mistreatment.

    •Animal death& death and illness of a pet


    •Discrimination of any kind (Ableism,

    •Racism,Classism, Sexism and misogyny, islamophobia, anti-semitism, transphobia, Homophobia)

  • We are a community to support each other. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required. Any form of insults or bullying will not be accepted.

  • We work very hard to ensure that City Girl members in our Facebook Groups are authentic. The same level of safeguarding cannot be applied to WhatsApp/Discord groups and we therefore don’t allow those to be promoted on our pages.

    If you’d like to organise a group meet or a more private group chat, please use Facebook Messager.

  • We know Facebook is great to sell things, but this group focuses on support and community. Some of our communities have specific buying and selling groups. Look at your specific cities page on our website for more info.

  • Posts that promote "Business opportunities" or attempts to recruit members to an organisation as a sales consultant etc. will be declined. Posts recommending MLM products will be removed.

  • Please utilise appropriate professional research tools & avenues.

    For market research enquires, please email hello@citygirlnetwork.com

  • We cannot accept posts in regards to the selling/rehoming animals, rehoming advice & pet sitting. Please go through reputable channels.

  • We do not approve posts or will remove comments that are naming and shaming people or businesses. We also don’t approve posts that have screenshots in them or post shares from profiles or groups.

Concerns and Complaints Procedure

We try our very best to keep everyone safe, happy, and represented within our community. But, such is life, there can be miscommunication issues and we can get it wrong.

To protect the mental health of our volunteer team, we ask that all complaints be directed to team@citygirlnetwork.com. We will aim to respond to all complaints within 7 working days.

Anyone who disrespects these boundaries will be removed from the group.

Still unsure why your post was declined?

Check out our Facebook FAQS