Single Girl's Guide to COVID-19 Lockdown

This Single Girl's Guide to COVID-19 lockdown is here to help you through social isolation. We are well and truly socially isolated now. We're uncomfortable, confused, bored, and a little bit scared, so read on for a few morale-boosting tips that don’t include any more flippin’ Zoom quizzes, writing your personal memoir or mastering another language. 

The effects of COVID- 19 are being felt globally. If, like us, you’re in lockdown and are socially isolating, then the new normal is taking a little bit of getting used to. We are being forced to think outside the box and change the way we live our day-to-day lives. It’s confusing, uncomfortable, and we’re not sure what to do with ourselves. 

Some of you lucky lot have another human that, in sickness and in health, will mooch around with you pyjama-clad forever. For us single girls, it’s a slightly different ordeal. 

Dating is an obvious no-go. There's nothing sexy about spreading a life-threatening virus. So how else are we going to keep ourselves entertained? Some people are naturals at spending time socially-isolated. For others, this is going to be a steep learning curve.

So far, we know that sex toy sales have skyrocketed. This 'past-time' seems to be the obvious choice amongst Instagram influencers. But ‘indefinitely’ is quite a long time. If your vibrator is already on its last legs, or you're just not really into that, do not panic! This handy guide will help you keep your composure and maybe even enjoy this forced stay-cation? 

So here's 14 things single girls can do in self-isolation:

1. Bedroom dance party

Pretty self-explanatory. May I recommend a healthy dose of Lizzo (approximately 94%). 

Bonus tip: If you’re feeling it, there are lots of free dance tutorials online. Prop up a mirror, convert your room into a studio and dance like nobody's watching (because chances are, they aren't).

2. Pick up the phone

Remember when we used to talk on the phone for hours? Let's bring that back.

3. Go for a walk, run, skip, hop, and a jump

Guidelines do not forbid outdoor exercise as long as we practice good hygiene and stay 2 metres away from people. So make sure you're getting outside for some fresh air and sunshine every day because humans are solar powered and no one wants scurvy.

4. Write a spoken word poem about literally anything

What rhymes with quarantine?

We have a great article if you’re interested in picking up writing and learning the in’s and out’s by taking a course, there are lots of suggestions from beginner to pro, to lot’s of styles… read it here.

5. Learn or re-learn a fun skill

But in a fun way, not a ‘I must come out of quarantine a superhuman’ way.

Never a bad time to work on your party tricks. Ideas include rolly pollies, backflips, whistling, handstands, origami, guitar hero (remember to sanitise your console), twerking, diablo, or making the perfect omelette.

6. Bake banana bread

Because it seems like the rest of the universe is... City Girl Mag have their very own recipe (it’s the best…) which you can find here. Or, If you’re feeling wild, make something else, like this chocolate bark. Yum.

7. Live vicariously through Sims

If you don’t have it already (what have you been doing?!) You can pick up the download game code here.

If Sims isn’t your thing, try Club Penguin or Animal Crossing. #throwback

8. Dating apps

Just because you can't socialise doesn't mean you can't have a flirt. Cyber dating is so hot right now. Imagine the ‘Where did you guys meet?’ story. 'We met in quarantine, in the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, wild right?'. 

9. Draw or stage a photoshoot

You could draw a self-portrait in the style of your favourite artist or recreate an iconic photo that you love. Maybe you prefer life drawing? Take all your clothes off and use a mirror or you could even invite your quarantine beau(s) to send solicited nudes. Emphasis on the solicited

10. Give yourself a…

Manicure/ haircut/ sharpie tattoo.

If the haircut goes wrong you've got time to grow it out. Same goes for sharpie tattoos.

11. Rearrange the furniture or paint your bedroom walls

A fun way to mix it up and keep you stimulated by your surroundings. Beware of stubbing your toe on unfamiliarly placed furniture.

12. Perfect your new karaoke song, choreography optional

Think of how impressed everyone will be.

13. Use photoshop to…

Produce an artistic interpretation of what your life would look like with your celebrity crush.

Scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas now aren't we?

14. Once you have completed this list, do it again - except this time, add wine

Written By Natalia Webster




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Recipe: Fig and Date Loaf Cake