How to Utilise the Power of Choice

We all have the ability to choose. Right?

We choose what to eat, what to drink? Whether to have that slice of cake or go for an apple instead. We make choices constantly, you made a choice about 30 seconds ago to read this article and you remake that choice as you continue to read it.

So what do I mean by The Power of Choice? Well, we are habitual animals. We fall into routines without a second thought, and suddenly it’s the final episode of that TV Series you like and 8 hours of your life has passed by. 

When we notice the choices we make we can take control of them, deciding whether they are good for us or whether they are quietly sabotaging our intentions. We are complicated animals, and sometimes we need to step back and notice what we are doing.

If, like me, you find that you’ve accidentally spent a week staring at a screen and wish you’d used that time more productively, then here are some tips from the world of coaching that might help.


Unsplash: Valeriia Bugaiova

Unsplash: Valeriia Bugaiova

Your breath is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal.  It brings you back into your body, reminding yourself of where you are, what you want, and who you’d like to be. When you find yourself slipping into the world of subconscious distraction, procrastination, or lacking the motivation to do the thing you really want to do, breathe. 

As you take in that deep inhalation, really feel it enter your lungs, roll your shoulders back and lift your chin. Not only will this feel good, but it’s a power pose, opening your chest and embracing your control over yourself.


Once you’ve taken a few breaths notice your thoughts. Without judgement, without shame, with no bias. Simply step back and look at what you have been saying to yourself. 

It may help to imagine that you have an auto-pilot and this auto-pilot is emotional and reactionary. While most of the time this is useful and necessary, sometimes the auto-pilot gets overwhelmed and retreats into habits, stories, or self-destructive patterns. This is natural, but unhelpful. The trick for you as the human, is to notice when the auto-pilot is struggling and step in. 

You are capable of seeing what needs to change and supporting the emotional aspect of yourself, with love, nurture and support.


Find something you enjoy. This can be anything, from yoga or running to reading or watching TV. Remember no judgement. When you find this, choose it. Understand why you need it in your life and use it to soothe, calm, or celebrate yourself. 

Then when you notice you’re struggling, feeling anxious, or overwhelmed, choose your activity. This will prevent you from slipping into it by accident and will make it feel deserved - which it most definitely is. Life is tough, find what makes it easier.

Unsplash: Amy Treasure

Unsplash: Amy Treasure


Our heads are very busy places, and feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and loneliness will only be exacerbated if they are stored in our over-active brains. So share your feelings with someone or write them down, do whatever it takes to get them out of your head and into the real world.

This doesn't need to be a professional, although sometimes setting aside an hour for yourself is a vital step towards improving your mental well-being. When we are able to vent our emotions in a safe space the auto-pilot is better able to do their jobs, our brains run better, and we feel less burdened. 

If you speak with a friend be sure to ask them to simply listen without judgement. Some people prefer journaling for its privacy but remember the same rule, no judgement - yes, I mean your own judgement should be set aside too. Find what works for you, and choose to do it. 

Unsplash: Estee Janssens

Unsplash: Estee Janssens


If you find yourself hitting the snooze button repeatedly in the morning, or grabbing that chocolate brownie even though you are committed to dieting, take a bit of time to work out why using the steps above. 

Some choices will reveal a deep-seated belief or value that you haven't considered before, and once you notice the pattern you can begin to make small changes that give you the power over your habitual choices.

We will become tomorrow the choices we make today. So make sure you understand what your choices are and why you are choosing them.

The more we know about ourselves the more power we have to make purposeful choices that drive ourselves forward.

Here are a few books that helped me understand the power of choice:

The Chimp Paradox by Prof. Steve Peters from Amazon

Atomic Habits by James Clear from Amazon

Disclaimer: We have an affiliate deal with Amazon to keep City Girl Network Magazine running. You can also support us via Patreon or a one-off donation. 

Written by Laura Pick



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