Staple to Scrumptious: Spiced Chocolate Banana Toast

The world outside may be a strange place right now, but we’re choosing to embrace the positives that can be gained from this period of staying at home. Creativity is the name of the game, so we’re throwing out the traditional, measured recipes of old and diving into the challenge of experimentation (yes you can make a ‘cottage pie’ with corned beef and baked beans). 

With whatever you have in your cupboards, we encourage you to switch up our suggestions and maybe find a new foodie favourite. Without further ado, here’s our spiced chocolate-banana toast, perfect for sweetening up your breakfast or indulging in a treat with your afternoon cuppa.

Note: we’re not sure this qualifies as an actual recipe, but it’s delicious nonetheless!


PREP TIME: 5 minutes

COOKING TIME: Not applicable


spiced chocolate banana toast INGREDIENTS

Chocolate spread 

1 banana

Bread (however many slices you can scoff)

Pinch of cinnamon or all spice

Optional additions: honey, nuts, seeds, sultanas, etc


1. Bread + toaster = toast!

2. Cover in chocolate spread – as much as you can fit on!

3. Aesthetically slice your banana and layer over the ever so slightly melted chocolatey toast.

4. Sprinkle over cinnamon (and any other experimental toppings of choice).

5. Optional extra – cut into Instagram-worthy triangles and arrange decoratively.

Please share your City Girl-inspired creations with us on Instagram and any experimental successes (or quirky concoctions) using @citygirlnetwork.

Bon appétit!

Written by Charlotte Bird, who can be found at @charlotte_m_bird


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