Theatre Review: The Play That Goes Wrong at MK Theatre

cast of The Play That Goes Wrong at MK Theatre

Running Dates: Tuesday 26th July - Saturday 30th July

Where to see it: MK Theatre (UK Tour) 

Duration: 2 hrs 20 minutes (including 20 minute interval)

Keywords: Musical, Comedy, Slapstick


A play that starts before it should, which for those who have not read the synopsis, will realise by now the hilarity of the show. The scene was set with the humorous cast bringing up a member of the audience to help them set the stage, and they were absolutely brilliant, most of us thought they were part of the crew.

Act one we are welcomed by Chris who is played by Colin Burnicle who talks about plays that ironically…Have gone wrong. The lights shine on the ametuar stage and so begins The Murder at Havershum Manor.

 The audience is humoured by the mysterious death of Jonathan, played by Steven Rostance as the cast recklessly try to figure out how he died. Max, Jonathan’s brother, an excited character who loved the attention from the audience and had us almost in tears when he jumped for joy everytime we clapped. 

The answer to every situation you will ever be in? A ledger, the words will not leave my head.

Act two is when the actors and set really become a well choreographed chaos. The set changes dramatically, the actors… I couldn’t tell you what happened but my belly hurt so much from laughing non stop. 

Overall, if you are prepared to be in stitches, out of puff and see mistakes that actors probably panic about be made, this show is for you.

Standout Quote or Moment: The complete chaos in the last 15 minutes!

See If: You love slapstick comedy

Similar Plays: The Comedy About a Bank Robbery, Peter Pan Goes Wrong

Last Impression: A well choreographed comedy that had us all in stitches

You can book tickets to see The Play That Goes Wrong here.

Review by Charlotte Moyle

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Disclaimer: These tickets were gifted in exchange for a review


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