Theatre Review: Hairspray

Rating: ★★★★★ 

In Summary 

Genre: Musical

Running Dates: November 22nd to November 27th 

Where to see it: Bristol Hippodrome (UK Tour)

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes (including 20 minute interval)

Keywords: musical, social issues, 60s

Content Warnings: racial issues, body shaming


Here is the recipe: a bunch of bright colours, witty lines, beautifully sung music, amazing dance performances mixed together with important themes and an amazing cast – add a sprinkle of glitter and you get Hairspray!

We wake up in the 60s – literally – and you will know what I mean when Tracy Turnblad’s bubbly, colourful and inspiring character is introduced. Katie Brace is making her professional debut, and what a great one! 

Tracy’s story is not only her story – it is the story of Baltimore and the whole of the US in the 60s. A story of chasing dreams and achieving more than what society thinks you should be able to if you don’t fit within its standard. A story of bringing people together regardless of their skin colour, their size and choice of hair-do – recognising how our differences bring us together rather than apart. Finally, it is the story of people fighting for the right of taking their space and fight together even when we think a cause has nothing to do with them in the first place. 

Tracy’s story is the story of us all: the ones who, most of the time, do not look like those people on TV. Tracy is the girl who falls madly in love with the TV boy – haven’t we all “heard the bells”! Her friends and her parents are her support, and they all come together at the end of the musical to make you stand from your seat, dance and reclaim a space that is ultimately for everyone to hop in!

Hairspray tackles very current social issues in a light way: you will leave the theatre with a smile on your face, no doubt, but you will also think about the message that was just given to you with beautiful singing and lyrics!

The Round Up

Standout Quote or Moment: “We can’t be lazy when things go crazy!” – Motormouth Maybelle

See If: You need a pick me up with thought provoking themes.

Similar Plays: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (musical), Annie (musical), Chicago (musical)

Last Impressions: A very talented cast that will make you laugh and give you goosebumps with their singing. An inspiring story to wake up the next morning and be ready to take on the world!

Written by Angela Massela

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