City Girl Network

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Theatre Review: Heathers, Wales Millenium Centre


Rating: ★★★

Running dates: 22-26 August 2023

Where to see it: Wales Millennium Centre

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes (including 20 minute interval)

Keywords: Musical, High School Drama


CW: This review mentions references to suicide, bulliying & mental health issues.

The best way to describe this show to anyone who has not seen the musical or the film before, is that it is a mix between Mean Girls and Riverdale. On the surface it is a classic story about the dynamics of a high school hierarchy, however it has the addition of a murderous boyfriend.

The songs and dance numbers in the musical are truly amazing, and the songs stay stuck in your head for hours following the show. I found myself singing them the whole car journey home after the show. To me this is always the first sign to a successful musical, when the songs stick with you past the final bows. Considering a lot of the subject matter in the musical revolves around death and suicide this is something that I found strange, singing songs of dead gay sons on my way home. However, the show manages to have fun with these themes, while still being respectful about the subject matter and not glossing over how serious mental health and bullying can be in high school.

The cast in this production were absolutely fantastic! Their voices were breathtaking and their acting skills were excellent. The highlight of their performance for me however, was the choreography, the dances were all high energy and very engaging. To top all of this off Heather Duke’s costume change in the middle of one of the dances was executed immaculately. The change was so quick and impactful it does really impress any one watching the show, one blink and you could miss the costume change completely.

My only negative about the show is that it is another high school drama storyline, one which I feel we see an awful lot. From the Breakfast Club to Riverdale, there have been so many twists to the high school storyline, and this show adds another to a huge pile of pre-existing films and shows. This often leads me to feel like I’ve heard the story before, and I end up not being that shocked or engrossed by the storyline unfolding. Having said that, it is one of the best musical adaptations of a film I have seen.

The show itself has built a large following for itself, and this was noticeable as I walked into the theatre and took my seat. One look around the theatre and you could see multiple fans of the show dressed up in tartan skirts, or a trio of fans sat next to each other either wearing red, green or yellow, like the three Heathers wear in the show. Me and my friend decided to play a game while we were waiting for the show to see how many ‘Heathers’ we could spot in the audience.

Overall, it is a great production of what is becoming a classic musical. The storyline is easy to follow and the songs with the high energy choreography makes for a great watch and a great night out.

Standout Moment: ‘My Dead Gay Son’ musical number.

See if: You love a high school drama.

Similar Plays: Mean Girls, Carrie & Spring Awakening.

Last impression: A classic high school mean girls story with a dark twist.