City Girl Network

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Brighton Street Style: March 2017

Welcome to the March 2017 edition of our regular feature, Brighton street style.

Brighton Girl's Kitty (an amazing photographer) and Holly (our amazing shout-you-down-and-pay-you-compliments helper) took to the North Laines to find some snazzy stylers to photograph.

As the weather begins to warm up, we're excited to see what everyone's got on underneath those bulky winter coats! This month, Brighton's spring style has started to show through with bold prints and beautiful detailing. 

Let's get styling, shall we?

Name: Sara
Age: 28
Instagram: @sara_waiste
Wearing: Dress from Waiste Vintage, Hat from Brixton, Boots from Free People
What do you love about Brighton? The creativity and the diversity. 

Name: Suade
Age: 21
Wearing: Skirt is a hand me down, Jacket is vintage Mango, Hoodie from Adidas, Boots from Dr Martens.
What do you love about Brighton? It's an uplifting city with friendly people and you can walk everywhere. 

Names: Anne and Craig
Ages: 65 and 68
Wearing: Anne is wearing a shirt from a catalogue, Jacket from a marketplace in India, Bag from a Senegalese tailor. Craig is wearing trousers from Primark, Glasses from Tiger, and everything else is from charity shops. 
What do you love about Brighton? Anne: Craig is here <3 

All photos are by Kitty Wheeler Shaw. Kitty is a freelance photographer; you can find out more on her website and by following her on Instagram @kittywshaw.

Written by Sofaya. 

See this gallery in the original post