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Everything you Need to Know about Vegetarianism - Challenges and Solutions 

Many people think that being vegetarian comes with a whole load of challenges. Is that really so? Maybe only to some extent. Fortunately, all possible “challenges” are never that unmanageable to make the majority give up their vegetarian habits. However, it’s worth knowing about some potential issues and be aware of all the tips & tricks you may need to confidently stand up for your lifestyle choice!

As a vegetarian-newbie, the biggest problem I encountered was probably the judgment of my friends and family, followed by my grandma’s unsuccessful but persistent attempt to persuade me that vegetarianism wasn’t for me.

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A week after deciding to give vegetarianism a go, I returned back to my homeland Ukraine for the holidays. In my family, there’s an ongoing tradition to dine at my grandma’s on the weekends, so of course, we went to visit her. 

I forgot to warn my granny about my recent diet-change – more precisely, I intentionally didn’t tell her, knowing how critically she could react – my grandma is a keen meat-eater, as well as a passionate home-rotisseur (roast chef) –  I was sure she’d try to change my mind! 

And I wasn’t wrong! 

Since I decided not to upset her in advance by warning her about my diet-changeover, eventually, when dinner was served, she was more than offended and disappointed to hear my “I’m a vegetarian” speech. 

Moreover, she made it very personal, when she demonstrated how negatively she feels about my idea by ignoring my announcement and offering me all the meat-containing meals...

 Fortunately, my dad was the most neutral when it came to criticizing my decision, even though the rest of my family were convinced that I’d give up vegetarianism after a while because I’d find it overly restrictive.

To my surprise, my sister’s reaction to this news was the most aggressive – she was adamant that we wouldn’t be able to eat together again. Such a response was more than unexpected since, in my opinion, she’s always been the most adaptive one. 

So, keeping this familial outburst in mind, for some time, my main goal was to prove them wrong and encourage them to support my vegetarian journey by changing their perception of it. 

Throughout the process, I’ve made a list of the go-to to-dos that vegetarians and vegans may find useful: 

#1: Don’t force your nutrition upon your family and friends!

Nowadays, it’s so common for people to instinctively dislike plant-based diets, thinking that they will undoubtedly be pressured into altering theirs. Unsurprisingly, this leaves everyone irritated because being made to doubt their food choices is never ideal.

I’d advise avoiding doing that at all costs. For example, personally, I always assure my family that they don’t have to show solidarity by following a different diet – I accept our differing preferences and try not to question them. 

#2: Cook for your family and friends!

I always enjoyed cooking for my family, especially for my sister - whenever we are in the UK, it’s our way of bonding. Finding out about my vegetarian-switch, she got overprotective, as she was convinced that we’d stop our ‘kitchen ritual’ and drift apart.

To prove her wrong, I kept up with our custom and continued cooking for her, even when her meals weren’t plant-based. In addition to that, we resumed food-shopping together, without making our dietary requirements a big deal. 

A few months later, her opinion about vegetarianism has changed drastically – she no longer minds it and, in a way, she began supporting it by agreeing to order veggie takeaways and try new vegetarian foods with me. In fact, she loves that now!

#3: Show them how great vegetarian shopping can be

I was so surprised to find out that pretty much every carnivorous meal is replaceable by something plant-based! I instantly wanted to share my findings with my relatives and friends to show them that the choice is so much more varied than any of us imagined! 

After seeing me buy a range of foods that none of us have tried before, they decided to start joining in one by one. Here are some things that we all established as our ready-meals top picks!

First, who doesn’t love some fishless fingers tacos! Sainsbury’s is perfect to purchase all the right ingredients for them! They are light and delicious, and their recipe can be easily found on their Instagram page! Check it out and just look at this meal – it’s a true heaven for a vegetarian foodie! 

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Then comes Mac & Cheese. I could never forget about my favorite go-to meal! Available at most supermarkets, it’s cheap, quick-to-make and so tasty.

Finally, my new favorite drink – plant milk! It’s sweet and fresh, and for me, much better than the regular one. I drink it every morning and since I tried it, I can’t stop recommending it to all my friends! I’m sure you’ll love it just as much! 

Whether you’re vegetarian or not, hopefully, you’ll try some of these out. Let us know what your top going veggie tips are over on our Instagram!  

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 Written by Lisa Levytska 


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