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Podcasting in a Pandemic - Interview with Style & City Diaries

I first discovered Style & City Diaries when it was Her Style Secrets and instantly loved the podcast’s two down to earth, bubbly hosts who discussed serious political, ethical and fashion topics in terms that sounded like me and my friend’s brunch debates. 

I wasn’t the only one who was hooked. 

The duo of Amber Leaux and Prinny Rae, cousins from North London found their podcast catching the eye of Stylist and YOU magazine in the pandemic for how they balance hard hitting topics like Black Lives Matter and Modern Slavery in Fast Fashion while serving tea and items of the week. 

But let’s not be mistaken, this was not a podcast started on a whim during the pandemic, like many others did. They’re celebrating their second birthday in September this year. Rather, the pandemic has created an opportunity for the podcast to flourish, with listeners tuning in every week for what feels like a catch up with friends. 

I was lucky enough to actually catch up with Amber and Prinny and they were just as funny and wonderful as expected. 

We can all learn from these girls that hard work, being yourself and believing you have what it takes are magic ingredients when chasing your ambitions. (Also, Amber gives my favourite post-lockdown answer to date).

What is Style & City Diaries and how would you describe what you do?

Amber: Style and City Diaries is a fashion and lifestyle podcast, hosted by two cousins, myself and Prinny. 

Prinny: To give a bit of background, when we first started the podcast it was called Her Style Secrets. We had this idea to interview women working in fashion from different angles. 

We’re very ambitious. We’re a bit out of this world. This is going to be great, we’re going to have all these stylist and celebrities. Then we were like, we literally have no one. Lets just start the podcast. It’ll just be us. We recorded out first pilot and we were like, we’re fabulous. What are we doing? Let’s just make it about us.

We kind of talk a lot about fashion, like the industry from a lot of perspectives but then we found we were weaving in a lot of our life stories. That’s what led to a bit of the rebrand cause we felt as though the original name was a bit too restrictive and didn’t necessarily  encapsulate everything we talk about. 

“We’re very ambitious. We’re a bit out of this world” - Prinny Rae, Style & The City Diaries

With the rebrand, do you think it’s changed your goals for the podcast?

Amber: Oh my god completely. We know exactly what the podcast is and what content we want to produce. It’s so much more consistent and we know what direction we want to go in, before we were still winging it because out initial idea was kind of pushed to the side. No strategy, just vibes

Prinny: Definitely before the pandemic I don’t think we really had goals did we? We just wanted to get more listeners and more followers.

Amber: Now we’re like we’re ready to make a mark in the podcasting world and in London. We’re just two everyday girls just doing it for everyone else. 

“we spoke about the Black Lives Matter stuff and we were just very candid, very open, very honest about our opinions.” – Prinny Rae, Style & The City Diaries

You touched on how the pandemic changed your goals, why do you think that happened?

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Prinny: I don’t know. We started to have these mini-meetings, proper professional. We wanted to bring a bit of structure because we found we were just chatting. It was nice and people enjoy it, but it was a bit like what is the key take away for the listener.

We tried to be a bit more structured in terms of having different series or specifically touching on different topics. 

One of the things that kickstarted us taking it seriously was when we spoke about the Black Lives Matter stuff and we were just very candid, very open, very honest about our opinions. We got quite a few features from that. 

That was maybe the turning point in our minds. It was like maybe our podcast is good. Maybe we should be a bit more serious and be bit a bit more focused. It was a good thing that happened out of a really bad situation. Black Lives Matter and the Pandemic are both really terrible but for us it kind of put us on a pedestal. 

Amber: I also think as well, not being able to go out and everything, we actually had to sit down and think about our content. When everything stopped it was like we actually need to think of something and that’s when we really were taking control of what we were talking about and making sure that every single time was beneficial to our listeners. 

“We definitely don’t do things that we’re not interested in.” – Amber Leaux, Style & City Diaries

You say your mini-series put you on the map and that is how I heard about your podcast, from the sustainability series. How do you go about choosing what to focus on?

Amber: We definitely don’t do things that we’re not interested in. That’s number one. We want to be honest about things. We want to talk about things that really are part of our everyday lives.

The sustainable series was such a learning curve for us cause we actually had no idea. We had such a nice journey that while we were learning we were teaching. Everyone else who was listening, if they didn’t know, was at the exact same level of learning as us each week.

One of the big things about your podcast is it feels like a catch up with friends, how important is that when people are missing out on social interactions?

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Prinny: I think it’s one of the most important things. As much as we touch on really hard hitting topics sometimes, we still want to make sure that every episode has that balance. We know they can’t talk to us but we’ll be like “how you doing girl, here’s a silence for you to reply” we try to bring that in.

I definitely think the fact that we’re cousins that’s like the secret ingredient that can’t really be replicated. I’m not trying to say we’re the best podcast duo but… [laughs]. 

Being family, there’s just a dynamic there. A lot of people make that comment that it sounds like we’re listening in with friends. It took me a while to get it. I just thought I’m just sat here chatting crap with my cousin but it really is a thing for people. 

Amber: I think when we realised that people were almost relying on our podcast every Thursday to like maybe get them through that Thursday or like kickstart their weekend. That’s when something clicked. We need to be that person that brightens that person’s day.

It’s so rewarding knowing we can brighten people’s day. I’m like “I’m just your average girl from North London, who cares about what I’ve got to think.” But they do and it’s so lovely. 

“Just keep doing it and keep being consistent.” – Prinny Rae, Style & The City Diaries

At the start of lockdown, there was a bit of a rhetoric of everyone starting a podcast. How did you handle that being a pre-existing podcast?

Amber: We are so tunnel visioned.

Prinny: I was going to say, I don’t care.

Amber: We’re so in our own bubble and in our bubble we are just the best of the best.

Prinny: We’re like superstars.

Amber: In our minds, the whole world is listening to us. So people coming up, I can’t see them. I’m just like Me and Prinny, what was HSS and is now Style And City Diaries, that’s just us and we just go. 

Prinny: We had a quick conversation as well about people starting and dropping podcasts and a lot of people just think you just put on a mic and you just talk and it’s good to go. 

Actually those first couple of episodes, you don’t even know if anyone is listening. You don’t even know how it is going to go. Like Amber said, it’s having that tunnel vision and not really getting bogged down with the numbers or the fans or all of that stuff.  Just keep doing it and keep being consistent. 

Some people start something and it’s not from the heart and it shows when they drop it after four weeks. We’re passionate about podcasting and we’re just going to keep going. When are we two years?

Amber: September 19th and we will be two!

Prinny: It’s been a while. It’s been a long journey and we’re still learning, which is exciting.

Amber: Every week we learn something else new. Where we think wow, I think we can make it better this way and no one realises the planning that does go behind the episodes. It’s not always just going on and speaking, there’s a lot of work that goes behind it so we can provide an actual service to everyone. 

How have you balanced the podcast, working, looking after yourselves and each other?

Amber: We don’t! [Laughs]

Prinny: Honestly, it’s really hard. We always talk about our Gucci, louis vitton bags that we put under our eyes. We’re always tired but we enjoy it so it’s rewarding. We see where it could go, so it’s holding on to that hope. 

I think being family we’re able to be more understanding of each other. Like Amber knows when I’m tried.  I know when she can’t be bothered. We can kind of pick up for each other. I think being family helps, understanding each other and trying to support and balance. 

Amber: You’re not afraid to be like I can’t be bothered this week. If I can’t be bothered I don’t have to be like oh my god she’s going to unfriend me, it’s like you can’t. You’re my cousin. 

“It’s taking control and feeling empowered [...] you don’t know how your personal story might help somebody else.” - Prinny Rae, Style & The City Diaries

You’re so open on your podcast. Do you prepare for that or does it come naturally?

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Amber: Half the time when we’re talking about something really honest we didn’t even realise it was going to come out. It was just where the conversation takes us. Because were just talking like this to each other in the studio. It’s not even like it’s a scripted thing,

There’s mics but you forget. You forget it’s a thing that’s going out. I’m just trying to have a chat. Someone’s going to listen to it one day. I think as well cause Prinny’s my cousin and we’re so close, it’s something I would have told her anyway. I don’t have to pluck up the courage or anything.

Prinny: I definitely think there was a shift. When you first start you always want to put your best foot forward and be professional and do your homework and your research. Then when we started to intertwine our personal lives. 

We record on Tuesdays and it comes out on Thursdays so you have about a day to play around with the episode and we’re sitting there like ,“oh, should I edit it out? Was that a bit weird? Is that too much?” And now we’re just like whatever. I said what I said, if my ex listens like that’s up to you. I don’t care.

It’s taking control and feeling empowered, cause at the end of the day we’re all going through similar situations and you don’t know how your personal story might help somebody else.

That’s what gives that podcast that authenticity and it’s something that I think is really important. Rather than trying to do what people do on Instagram, like put a filter on your life and only show the best sides. Sometimes I cry, sometimes men don’t text me back. It’s just true. 

“I want it to become a community where we can be like one big family” – Amber Leaux, Style & The City Diaries. 

You’ve both said how ambitious you are for the podcast, what’s the goals for 2021?

Amber: Numbers! I just think the podcast needs the accolades it deserves. I just want to see us everywhere. But I don’t mean like ‘my name in lights,’ I want to see if because everyone can relate and everyone can say this was so helpful for me. Or say “Girls listen to this, it’s really going to help you with this”

I want it to become a community where we can be like one big family, like we’re all cousins and just having the best time ever. 

“I’m really proud of us for just staying with it.” – Amber Leaux, Style & The City Diaries

And over the past year, what are you proudest of achieving?

Prinny: I think we’re actually really hard on ourselves sometimes. when we got featured in stylist, it was like that’s really fun – what’s next. I think we play down some of our achievements. I think it’s big that we were featured in stylist twice, we were featured in New Mag and Spell mag

Also the rebranding phase. That’s really big! We’ve grown a lot. We’ve stretched. We’re more mature in the podcasting game. What else are we proud of?

Amber: Consistency. Me and Prinny have been doing something for like the past 10,000 years. Like 6 years we started blogging, went on YouTube, came off YouTube and this and that and we never stuck to anything. This is the only thing that we have done religiously every single week. 

Other than when the lockdown started and we had to have a break for a couple of weeks, but even then, we were like we need to buy mics and record from home. 

We’re doing this and we’re not going to stop now when we’re doing so well. Our consistency has been 10/10, A* and especially having a full-time job, and then during a pandemic as well.  I’m really proud of us for just staying with it.

And what are you looking forward to when lockdown lifts?


Amber: Get me at a bottomless brunch! I want prosecco’s poured over my head. I am ready for all the pornstar martinis. Date night! Chatting up guys when I have no chat! All of it. Getting dressed with your friends. Tumbling down floors, that’s usually just me. 

Prinny: Just going back to normal. The social interactions, the fun times with girls and guys, so we can come back to the podcast and have stories to tell. We’re getting bored at the moment.

Amber: There’s only so much you can complain about Zara’s website in one podcast. 

Style & City Diaries is available to listen to every Thursday via Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud. 

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Written by Lauren Waugh


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