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Theatre Review: Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

Rating: ★★★★★

In Summary 

Genre: Musical, Family Theatre

Running Dates: 25 Aug - 18 Sept 2021

Where to see it: Bristol Hippodrome (UK Tour)

Duration: 2 ½ hours (including 15 minute interval)

Keywords: Disney, Musical, Theatre, Family.

Content Warnings: None


I grew up with the classic Disney films, and Beauty and the Beast was always one of my top 5 favourites. I honestly didn't know how they were going to recreate the amazing visuals of the Beast fighting Gaston on the rooftops, or the comedy of Cogsworth and Lumiere on stage but they have. This production is stunning.

Everyone knows the story of a prince cursed to be a beast by an enchantress - the true villain in this story in my opinion - for his selfishness. He must learn to love and be loved in return in order to break the spell, placed not just on him but on all of his loyal servants. Enter Belle the beautiful but isolated heroine who learns to love despite appearances and - spoiler alert - saves the day.

With all of the cartoon film's incredible songs, written by the classic Disney duo of Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, performed live by a full orchestra this is the perfect way to be welcomed back to the theatre. With impressive sets, and an inexhaustible ensemble this production wows. 

The cast are expertly led by Emmanuel Kojo and Courtney Stapleton, both bring youth and naive charm to the main characters. Emmanuel’s Beast is sweet and funny, taught how to behave like a gentleman by Gavin Lee and Nigel Richards as Lumiere and Cogsworth respectively. They bring much of the traditional comedy to the show, playing off one another perfectly. Gavin Lee particularly shines as the suave seducer turned candlestick, and when Be Our Guest starts he absolutely steals the show.

Act One features the big numbers of Gaston - an incredible production number with amazing tricks and constant comedy from Louis Stockil as Le Fou and the muscular Gaston played by Tom Senior - and Be Our Guest which stop the show. Act Two flies by and suddenly we are at the magical transformation sequence which is genuinely amazing.

The set is magical and a special mention should go out to all of the stage crew and dressers toiling away in the darkness, wearing long-sleeved black tops and black masks to prevent the show from having to stop due to Covid. If you’re walking down Denmark street prior to the show you’ll see most of the backstage staff sitting outside in the fresh air.

This show is a great one to share with children and as it’s touring the UK you can enjoy it in your home city. I’d recommend it to anyone who loves the classic cartoon or live-action film. It brings new details to light about the servants in the castle which the films don't touch on as much and brings all of the great moments alive brilliantly. The women behind us audibly gasped as Belle appeared in her famous yellow dress and I think that speaks volumes of how engrossed the audience was. 

The Round Up

Standout Quote or Moment: Gaston stole the show for me. He looks the part - which doesn't hurt - and his comedy with Le Fou was perfectly timed. 

See If: You enjoy Disney, Musicals, Theatre, and big lavish productions.

Similar Plays: Frozen, The Lion King, anything by Disney.

Last Impressions: This production is fun, beautiful and the perfect way to come back to the theatre. 

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Written By Laura Pick

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