Brighton Girl Business Directory

Find what you need from local Brighton and Hove businesses

Brighton Girl has been the go-to community for thousands of women to find local recommendations since 2016. We’re building a Business Directory to highlight the very best local businesses who support our community.

Yoga and Holistic Therapies

Find the perfect holistic therapy for you all across the city. This list includes acupuncture, meditation, yoga, pilates, massage and more.


Locally-based online and high street retailers that we love

Hair and Beauty

Hairdresser, skincare and beauty treatment recommendations are a hot topic in the Brighton Girl community.

Find the local services and products you’re looking for right here.

Estate Agents

Find your next Brighton and Hove home with the Estate Agents who support the Brighton Girl Community.

Mortgage and Protection Brokers

Get the financial support you need to buy your home with these fantastic mortgage and protection brokers.

Law Firms

Solicitors recommendations are a common request in the Brighton Girl community for a whole variety of reasons.

Whether you’re buying a house, going through a divorce, selling your business, or seeking legal support with wills, these Brighton and Hove Solicitors are here to help.

Coworking Spaces

Find your perfect home-at-work community with these brilliant coworking spaces!

Help Brighton Girls find your business from £49 a year!

Marketing and Design

There are lots of Creative Agencies and Freelancers in Brighton and Hove – but how do you find the right one?

Start here.


Find the support you need and support the causes you care about.