Writer Of The Month - An Interview With Rosanna Christou

City Girl Magazine is home to over 30 volunteer writers and Editors who give their time to help us create content for this amazing platform. With some writers about to hit their 2 year anniversary this year and a growing volunteer group we have decided to honour a writer each month who is producing quality articles, getting stuck into the extra activities and up-skill masterclasses we provide.

We couldn’t do this magazine without all of their hard work and creativity. Our very first writer of the month is Rosanna Christou, let’s get to know her a little better…

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Name: Rosanna Christou

Age: 30

Occupation: Course Manager

City: Bath

When and why did you join City Girl Magazine as a volunteer? 

I moved to Bath two years ago and joined my local City Girl group where I met some great people, some of which I’m now lucky to call close friends. I’ve always loved writing and the creative process of putting together an article, so when I saw there was a City Girl magazine back in June 2019 I knew it would be something I’d really enjoy doing in my free time.

What do you love the most about volunteering for City Girl as a content creator? 

The editors are great at working with ideas you have, allowing content creators the freedom to write on topics we want to write on with their support and advice. Seeing your finished article published on the site is incredibly rewarding!

Tell us more about what you enjoy writing about? 

I enjoy writing about things to do or places to visit in Bath and Bristol, as I’m relatively ‘new’ to the area it’s been a great excuse to get out and explore. I’ve always been a fan of fashion and beauty so getting to write on those topics is amazing - I can finally justify all the fashion magazines I buy as ‘research’.

What are you looking forward to writing about in the future?

I can’t wait to write on exciting new places to visit when lockdown is over, especially sharing independent businesses such as shops and restaurants that will need our support now more than ever. 

What is your favorite article in the magazine?

I really enjoyed reading Natalia Webster’s article and her style of writing in the ‘Single Girl’s Guide to COVID-19 Lockdown’. Anyone, single or not, can pick up tips on how to fill this free time we now have during lockdown (I particularly liked point 14). 

If you had to pick your top three articles which you have published what would they be? 

Top Tips for Mindful Shopping

Being an advocate of minimalism and capsule wardrobes this article is a personal favourite as it encompasses all things I aspire to achieve at some point. Now more than ever I’m sure we’ve all come to appreciate the art of slowing down in our lives and this article outlines the principles of re-thinking our need for fast fashion and how we shop. 

Recipe: Orange Polenta Cake

I’ve made this cake many times and it’s always such a hit yet very easy to make! The orange gives it a refreshing zesty taste and the polenta adds a great texture. Writing recipes for the magazine is particularly fun as it means I can try out new recipes and enjoy the result afterwards!

Five Things To Do in Bath This Autumn

Most of these suggestions in the article are free which goes to show just how much there is to do in our wonderful cities without spending any money. I love living in Bath and writing this article showed me how much variety there is on offer in a relatively small city. 

We loved Rosanna’s dedication to producing quality content for us and she couldn’t be more deserving of our very first ‘writer of the month’ award! Check out Rosanna’s favourite articles above and let us know what you think of them- tag us in your posts on Instagram


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